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“Brewed in Windsor” is the story of the rise and fall of Windsor, Ontario’s Original Six breweries. It is an tale of brewmasters, risk-takers, gangsters, roadhouses, and the transformative impact of Prohibition on Windsor’s brewing industry.
While Windsorites did their fair share of beer drinking, thirsty Americans across the Detroit River became local brewers’ best customers during Prohibition, when Detroit’s breweries were forced to shutter their doors even as Windsor’s beer makers continued to produce and “export” its tasty products.
Strategically situated just a mile away from the United States, not only did Windsor once ship boat loads of beer to Americans, this border city became a magnet for American revelers seeking the illicit pleasures of Windsor’s spectacular roadhouses, each a glittering jewel, like a diamond-studded bracelet. In addition, this book sheds light on the numerous drinking establishments that seemed to once be located on practically every commercial street in the city.
Lushly illustrated with over 500 photos and beer paraphernalia.
windsor then
Like snippets from a long forgotten dream, the 150 black and white photos in “Windsor Then” chronicle the evolution of a sleepy Canadian town at the western edge of the British Empire, as it transforms into a manufacturing powerhouse.
Culled from the archives of Walkerville Publishing Inc., these intriguing images, snapped between 1860 to 1960, reveal in fascinating detail how Windsor’s denizens once lived, travelled, worked, played, fought and loved.
Windsor Then is a unique portrait of this community’s once boundless optimism, its innovators, its schemers, and its simple, hard-working folk living in an era of remarkable change and great expectations — in stark contrast to the Windsor of today.
500 Ways You Know You're From Windsor
Are You Baby Boomer...(or a relative of one) who grew up or lived in Windsor, Ontario?
“500 Ways You Know You’re From Windsor,” is about –and for – you. Bob-Lo Island, the Elmwood, Kresges, Smith’s, Checker Flag Raceway, Hi Ho, lost movie houses, CKLW TV &
The Big 8, Detroit Rock & Roll – that’s just for starters!
With more than 680 images, “500 Ways You Know You’re From Windsor” is a rockin’ trip down memory lane!
This is the third edition of this beloved book.
time trespasser
A Master. His Slaves. A Crack in Time.
Jacob Williams, a ruthless southern U.S. cotton plantation master from 1837, is shocked to discover he’s somehow ended up in the year 2012. Desperate to find his way back to his “rightful” place in time, he becomes lost in the streets of modern-day Memphis where he meets a man with him whom he shares an extraordinary connection. While Jacob struggles to find a way back to his home, several of his slaves escape and follow the Underground Railroad to Canada.
Elaine Weeks weaves a fascinating tale linking
the harsh master/slave days of pre-Civil War Memphis to the 21st century ... where it seems some things never change.
296 pages, paperback
“So subtly good, you’ll think you are there.”